Learn Astrology

Moon Speed, Oriental, Signature

My first online class at Udemy is now live. Their fantastic back to school sale continues through the end of today, so you can grab it now for just $9.99.

This class is designed to help you understand the moon speed, oriental and signature in a natal chart. The moon speed indicates the speed of the temperament and how emotions are processed. The oriental is a set of skills developed over past lives and the signature is a style that overlays on the chart. This class will teach you how to determine each of them and explain what they mean and how you can use them when looking at a chart.

While a familiarity with astrology basics is helpful, this class is completely accessible to beginners. The only requirement is an interest in astrology.



Saturn & Fathers Day

In honor of Fathers Day, here are a few words on Saturn in your natal chart.

Saturn rules time and space, it’s the energy that allows us to know we are human. Saturn shows your ability to function in human form, and is associated with limitations, burdens, safety, security, cynicism, sorrow, and discipline. Saturn rules every form of organization and management, and shows what you believe is enduring.

In Karmic Astrology, Saturn is referred to as “the price you paid for the ticket,” as it shows what you agreed to do in this lifetime in exchange for the opportunity to incarnate and grow spiritually. Saturn also defines your beliefs about men, and shows your father in this life time.

Everyone has Saturn in their chart, and the energy can be powerful and beautiful. Saturn energy shows your capacity for loyalty, commitment, how willing you are to hang in there and be there for someone. Saturn can help bring form to what you imagine, and give you the security you need to trust and believe in yourself.

Look at the sign for you Saturn to see your preferred style for this energy. Look at the house to see the area of life where you tend to most fluently express this energy. Look at aspects to Saturn to see connections with other energies.

My father passed away a few years ago, the Sunday before Fathers Day. I think of him often, and I’m grateful for the lessons he taught me, and the way he believed in me. He encouraged me to go out into the world, to live fully, to question, to learn, and to be whatever I wanted to be.


Happy Fathers Day to all the dads, and to all men that keep others safe.